Brian Cox about fundamental questions waiting to be answered by YOU

... and the Washing Machine 2013 for Storytelling in Science goes to Professor Brian Cox

An inspiring Professor Cox sharing his career path into science with a a group of Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 students during The Big Bang Fair 2013:
we know how old the universe is - pretty much
we know how the universe evolved - pretty much.
we know how solar systems formed - pretty much
we have theories about the formation of life

but there are a huge number of fascinating and fundamental questions. Many of which should be answered in your life time which means you are the people to answer those questions!

Warning: If you have not considered a career in science before this talk will change your mind. You might drop everything and go to university directly
It is very difficult to picture these ideas, but they are fun [...] It's all about curvy space. You'll learn about it in a physics degree. You'll learn about it in a then because the math is a bit hard.
