Edward Tufte: Above All Else Show The Data

Data-Ink Ratio
In the Gospel According to Tufte John P. Boyd explains one of Edward Tufte’s major themes: A good graphics presents its message as simply as possible:
  • Above all else show the data.
  • Maximize the data-ink ratio
  • Erase non-data-ink.
  • Erase redundant data-ink.
  • Revise and edit.
Tufte Rules 
The Interactive Rule Book on Data Design provides a collectionn of the Tufte Rules:
  • Show Your Data
  • Use Graphics
  • Avoid Chartjunk
  • Utilize Data-ink
  • Use Labels
  • Utilize Micro/Macro
  • Separate Layers
  • Use Multiples
  • Utilize Color
  • Understand Narrative

The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint
Tufte has criticized the way Microsoft PowerPoint is typically used. In his essay "The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint", Tufte criticizes many aspects of the software: Its use to guide and reassure a presenter, rather than to enlighten the audience;
[01] Eward Tufte, Wikipedia, URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Tufte
[02] Scientific Visualization and Information Architecture, John P. Boyd, URL:
Course Notes: Chapter 2:The Gospel Accoding to Tufte (.pdf file, 3.5MB)
[03] Tufte's Rules - Interactive Rule Book on Data Design, URL: http://www.sealthreinhold.com/school/tuftes-rules/rule_one.php
[04] Edward Tufte and the Triumph of Good Design: Another Case Study, Vulture, URL: https://www.vulture.com/2007/06/edward_tufte_and_the_triumph_o.html
[05] Edward Tufte Essay: The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint, URL: https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/powerpoint
